Ah yes, the almighty, yet suspiciously elegant brewing tool that will make the most flavorful and bright coffee to ever grace you tastebuds. With a little care and patience, the Chemex will make about 3-4 mug-fulls.

Things you’ll need:
- A Chemex
- A scale (set to grams)
- A Chemex filter
- Water fresh off the boil
- 43g of coffee ground medium course (Electric Perc)
Step Two
Place your Chemex on your scale and pop the filter in the opening, presoak the filter, and dump the water after the rinse.
*make sure that the 3-layered side of the filter is on the side with the spout*
Step Two
Add your ground coffee to the filter. Zero out your scale
Step Three
Start the timer. You will need to "bloom" your coffee. For this, slowly pour until your scale hits 150g. Even saturation is key in this step to allow the coffee to de-gas and get all that you can from your coffee.
Step Four
After letting your coffee bloom for about 45 seconds, pour your water from the center of the filter in an outwards motion up to 450g of water.
Step Five
When your timer hits the 1:45 mark, pour your water again to a total of 700 grams. Give your brew a delicate stir around the sides of the filter with the back of a spoon to settle loose grinds into the bed.
Step Six
At this point, let the water draw out until your timer reaches about 4 minutes (add another 30 seconds if your coffee is still dripping.)
Step Seven
Enjoy a damn fine cup of coffee!