Bee House
Are you one of those "only-a-little" people who can get by on just one cup a day? Then the "Bee House" is perfect for you. A simple pour over that will get you by in the best way.

Things you’ll need:
- A Beehouse Pour Over
- A #2 or #4 filter (the only difference is the height of the filter, so don’t worry if it’s one or the other.).
- 18 grams of coffee
- Some water (195-209 F)
- Something to brew into
Step Two
Weigh and grind 18 grams of your favorite coffee and grind for drip.
Step Two
- Place brewer onto decanter.
- Pre-soak your filter
- Place filter into brewer and pour some hot water over it. Try to hit all of the dry spots.
- Once you’ve done that and the water has passed through, dump that water.
- After you’ve discarded the water, place your brewer back onto your decanter.
Step Three
Pour your coffee into the filter.
Pull up the stopwatch on your phone/ grab a kitchen timer.
- You’ll be starting your timer from zero.
Step Four
- First pour
- Start your timer and start your pour at the same time.
- Pour up to 75 grams and stir.
- Your first pour should be done by 20 seconds.
Step Five
- Second Pour
- Pour another 75 grams bringing your water weight to 150 grams
- You should be done pouring by about 50 seconds.
Step Six
- Last Pour
- At 1 minute mark, pour another 150 grams of coffee bringing your total weight to 300.
Step Seven
Chill out and wait for that coffee to draw out.
- Coffee should be done brewing by < 2:30.
- Soak your filter
- Pour in your 18 grams of coffee
- Start your stopwatch and your pour at the same time.
- Pour up to 75 grams of water and stir (0-20 seconds)
- At 30 second mark, start your second pour. Pour another 75 grams bringing your water weigh up to 150. (30-50 seconds)
- At 1 minute mark, pour another 150 grams of water bringing your total water weight up to 300 grams.
- Wait for your coffee to drop out.
- That’s it!